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Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +2
So, this year one semifinal will be like the last final!

Arkas was a big surprise to me, congratulation!

The fact that Trento won can't actually be a surprise, but I honestly thought that Macerata had a really consistent chance to get the final4... Unofrtunally it seems they wasted it ?
But I'm really glad that there will be again an italian team to cheer for, and I'm ready to support the impressive and huge Trento in this (not really new ?) adventure!

After all, only the first playoff6 match was like I expected...
Last year the idea was Ancona...
Well, I hardly doubt that he wants to move in Japan because he interested in the League ?
But I'm surprised that he didn't pick Turkey or Russia or also Poland (but I don't know if in Poland they can pay him more than in Italy...). Or Qatar, since he is used to play there during the summer.

I think Sabbi won't be a great choice, he is still too incostant for a team with the ambition that Lube has.

An interesting idea could be Starovic (he is of Macerata), but I don't know how he is recovering from the knee injury... In that case the couple Sasà-Giulio can work, may be, but I'll see Sabbi as second opposite if Starovic will be able to play as he did in Latina...
yes pearl, but before there where only voices about Omrcen leaving, now it is 100% sure ?

BTW, it isn't actually sure he will go to Hiroshima, but he will go in Japan (at least that is what he said in an official interiew)
Omrcen in Hiroshima for the next season!

Macerata contacted also Lasko.
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +3
"It's not exactly like that. At this level if someone is coach in the club and NT must think about both"

Of course it is inevitable, that's why I wrote that I disagree with being coaches of NT and club. Because it's impossible to avoid thinking about both teams, but that should be the most professional things to do, imo.
Fo example I honestly apreciate what Berruto is doing: beside the fact that he has a lot of time to watch - also live - the matches with his guys (and his opponents ?, he also spends time with the younger (1996-95 ish), travelling all around Italy and joining the Regional Day of each region to watch their best seletion and to program how to develop our volleyball.

BTW, Zyta, in the last match vs Macerata Matey played quite well ?
Yeah, you're right, but last year they clearly said it was the last time... But probably they did it also the year before xD
I hope Giulianelli won't say again "we will retire from the Championship if you won't let us play at Fontescodella", too easy solve the problem with a threat.
BTW, Macerata fans should be the first to complain imo, is it in their interest to have a bigger arena!... I can't imagine how happy was the 2501 guys that was looking for a ticket for the play off and couldn't find it...
BTW, this time it was Macerata marrior's fault, I understood...
"he didn't play at hs best (i don't know how he played actually 'cause i scarsely watched the match)"

In fact Birarelli didn't play ? I was on court only for a serve run and to raise (is it the correct word?) the block once or twice.
What I meant was that with Bira probably Trento will be able to do a better job in block.

@champion: you where honest and said that you would like Stoytchev to think about Bulgaria squad destiny, and you also admit that it was quite selfish, an thanks for the sincerity...
But let me say... WHAT? This is being professional for you?! Putting Bulgaria interests upon Trento while he is training Trento???!!! Now Stoytchev MUST think in Trento prospective, not in Bulgaria prospective!!! Right now he have to forget he is Bulgaria coach!

That's why I agree on the fact that coaches shouldn't train at the same time a NT team and a club: because imo it's impossiblr to focus 100% on both, even if you are the most committed coach in the world, because there will be moments when you have to stay with the club and let the NT with someone else or viceversa (e.g.: Stoytchev came later to Bulgaria because Trento reach the V-day; Stoytchev came later to Trento because Bulgaria was playing the ECh); and because you can risk to put one team's needs upon the other team, and that cant' be considered a good way to work (but I don't think Stoytchev is doing that)

They can't, as far as I understood. I think they'll even have to pay a "multa" if they won't provide for a 3000 seats Fontescodella...

World League 2012 12 years ago +2
Berruto didn't say nothing about the WL, of course right now his first tought must to be the qualification at the OG, but since you spoke about the GP, Barbolini said he will play the GP with the youger and will train separately the OG squad ? (and I hope Caterina Bosetti will be in the second group, if not even Signorile ?)
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +2
Well, Birarelli will certainly help about that.
And I think his a huge mistake to think that they're ended ?
Few stats, if you need a translation don't mind to ask ? (I'm in a god mood ?)

about Lube attack--> Grazie a Monopoli la Lube passa dal 30% del 1° set, al 48% del 2° per poi arrivare al 59% (3° set), 62% (4° set) e addirittura 69% (5° set). Da rimarcare sono anche le prestazioni di Savani (70% in attacco, 1 muro e 4 ace), Stankovic (64% in attacco e 3 muri) e Podrascanin (77% in attacco, 3 muri). In casa trentina i migliori sono il solito Juantorena (62% in attacco e 4 ace) ed un ritrovato Kaziyski (61% in attacco, 2 ace).
Sweety one, raylight ?
no no, you misanderstood me, I watched it, I was referring on the fact that you said that you wasn't going to watch the match because disappointed by Macerata, but this time they had a wonderful reaction ? I think you would have enjoyed it, after all ?
Volleyball spiking tips 12 years ago 0
I thought from the thread title that you wanted tips about the tips!!

BTW, didn't we (collective we) agreed about the fact you should put all these questions in a single topic?
Champions League 2011/2012 12 years ago +1
BTW, this and the final of Italian Cup matches made me so mad about the fact that there will be no chanche to see both team in the final4 ?
But yes, I'm "a bit" partial ?
@pearl: I don't know if it was such a great idea not to watch that match ?
BTW, today Kovar replaced Parodi well (damn Simo, I thought you moved on with your amazing performances during the final4!), but he was moony in serve, he did or errors (mostly) or aces xD
Also Monopoli replaced Travica well, with good personality!
But I guess that my MVP is Podrascanin, even if I loved Savani and Igor determination.
You were pointing out that Brughstaler run serve was a Stoytchev TACTICAL victory, and this one is the specific point I disagree with, not with the fact that Stoytchev trained his player well in serve!

And I think that the coach can perfectly made a hell of a tactical studies and tell the player where to serve, but then it's all up to the player, if he serve like Lebl (or in the middle of the net) he will hardly grab smth... If he serve like Birarelli, that can may be make the difference.
BTW, I honestly think that the tactical of the serve isn't that complicated compered for example with block-defence! I mean, I guess a player can easily makes a good tactical serve choice even without suggestion... But of course if the coach tell you where to serve it isn't a good idea to do what do you want without listening it ?

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