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Daughter? Is he married? ?

thanks Champion!
няма проблем ? (hope it's right lol)
One bad season doesn't make Boninfante worse than Baranowicz, people. Michele for now is just okay. When it comes to setting Dante is not worse than Dragan, I would say even better. Besides remember that we are talking about Olympics. Baranowicz has no experience to go there.

my dear, you know, for a foreigner Polish is not exactly the easiest language to speak/ please be lenient with us!!

That's why I'm telling you, to help ?
Matey's Grandpa has been there? :)
For Olympics? People, please...
OMG, what story now? The legend about gods and lions?
if you haven't noticed his development in Piacenza.

From starter to sub of Kampa. I call it "back development".
Oh and hey "expert", being a vball connaisseur, you should know that not every double or triple block is necessarily effective, because they can arrive there broken. None of your players, even Matey, my god and lion, is so smart that can deal with solid blocks for a whole match, but broken ones may help them to achieve those rates you love to read so fast but hardly get.
So, Aleksiev can spike 90% of all attempts vs double and triple Russian block /Muserskou, Khtey, Mikhaylov, Apalikov/ and get over 50% efficiency in attack and he is nothing special, But Matey can use three times in a row drop balls scared of the block and he is the best? You are Matey freak

For tired Matey with no form yes. Which you seem to not see or you don't want to see ["60% in match against XYZ!", "yes 30% but with such a poor reception, blah blah blah, he has good form!"]. I'm not talking about Aleksiev poor attack, I never said he has poor attack. I'm talking about his head all the time. Maybe you should stop practising fast reading and learn to read PROPERLY instead. Useful skill.
His kids are speaking polish very well, Winiarski and Plinski praise them. They even speak polish sometimes between themselves.
Bulgaria didn't take the medals in 2010 and 2011 because of lack of leadership from Kaziyski and Nikolov, who played cowardly in critical moments.

Really? I remember 2nd set, when because of Nikolov and Matey Bulgaria tied the score against Cuba. Do you want me to remind you again who screwed action in critical moment?

Bulgaria - Cuba WCH 2010 - Nikolov wasted 4 match-points in the fourth set with drop - balls

Thanks to Zhekovs sets.

BTW are we talking about the same Matey who is god and a lion and can win everything against everybody by himself?

how much skill is needed when playing with Kaziyski and Nikolov ?!

Considering your results in last years... a lot more than Zhekov has. How much skills do you need to play with Clay, Priddy, Anderson and Lee? Look at Thornton and tell me USA will achieve same result like with Ball, you ignorant.

Unfortunately Matey started to show cowardliness in Trentino too, when he lost the second or the third set against Zenit

Kadziewicz said once "If you feel strong physically, you feel strong mentally"... Just saying, referring to our conversation about his disposition this year. Anyway maybe even Matey can't read your comments anymore and decided to show he is human, not god. Sometimes I think you are even more Zhekov's freak, if you are defending the guy, by trying to find some "fake" mistakes of Nikolov and Matey.

three balls in a row vs Russian block

Hey, you talking about best block in the world. It's nothing surprising in being blocked by them 3 times.

I get the feeling our leaders are not motivated enough when playing for Bulgaria, especially Kaziyski before the match with Poland on ECH2011.

Or maybe he was just BLOODY TIRED?! Doesn't playing for the NT despite lack of health, disposition and strength is enough proof he care and is motivated to play for his country? Doesn't changing the treatment from surgery for quicker, non-invasive treatment to come back as soon as he can to NT is enough proof to be motivated to play for NT, like Nikolov? I never expected I will defend Matey in conversation with you. World will really finished in 2012...
Really? Wow, didn;t know that. That's why, like I said, don't be so sure, because their nerves will be advantage in semis in Sofia.
Don't be so sure. Lack of Miljkovic means Petkovic will have to be more creative. Also Bojan is back. And from three setters (Zhekov, Petkovic, travica), Serb has the strongest nerves.

no a juz jednego środkowego za rozgrywacza to by nikt sie nie przyczepil ? ?

pod warunkiem, że ten środkowy umie wystawiać nie gorzej od sypacza...
It's Olsztyn, not Olszyn.

HA! Again this thing about Nikolov, the same guy who was already so great and a star, before he came to Trento. You change facts to fit them to your theory.

statistically is impossible for bad coach to have such long series of wins no matter of luck and players. You all argue with mathematics, which is quite laughable, I would say.

If you want to base your words on stats, show me mathematical formula for this particular situation. Besides no matter of luck and players? Yeah, sure, take away Matey and Juantorena and check what Trento is gonna win then.

And hypocrisy one more time. You telling Pesazi about his arrogance? What about you and your arrogant, ignorant "experts" about us? Next time look at yourself first, darling.
Ray how important? Exact meaning please, don't put me here something in russian, if you want to explain this do it yourself, don't send me to google translator.
Vermiglio said in the interview for one polish website after Final Four that he has been waiting for call form Berruto, but he ignored him basically. But Valerio says he is still a good player, but if he can't play in NT, CL is the biggest tournament he can get now.
champion it doesn't matter where he learnt this, look at Penchev, he had good reception before he went to Piacenza, you need player with good reception like an air, so take them both.

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