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4 years ago


I'm about to watch Monza-Macerata.
OMG, tonight Rome has to play vs Trento o_O
@vatreni: the period you mentioned (1983-2009) was dominated by 4 countries -URSS/Russia, Italy, Netherlands and Jugoslavia/Serbia. Those NT teams were impressive, full of players who were wonder that other NTs (even though they came from countries with a lot of v-b tradition) didn't get big results those days.
@Kjeld: are absolutely right!!
@camnow: are you sure mate?? I mean Raphael is a nice setter (not one of my fav but a pretty good one) but Ricardo is a different story :) No comparison between them imho.
About Rome's last round result: it seems that things are not going fine at the moment for the club...and i'm not talking about the impressive series of defeates for the "Capitolini"only. A Roman friend of mine told me that the atmosphere within the team seems to be pretty tense and, most important and seriuos, many players look as they have lost any confidence by now and don't trust the cause any more. She described their last performance this way: no game, no team, no soul. ?
If you need some tips about which songs to use, send me a pm. My knowledge is at your disposal :)
Roma=free fall ?
Piacenza=fall and rise again ?
since a lot people complain from the hard rock I experiment with other music

Well Raylight i don't like your choice this time. Music is awful and, moreover, doesn't fit the actions and highlights in the movie at all. Sorry mate, but I must confess I had to turn off the audio this time in order to watch the video all the way.
I have a proposal if you're interested in listening to it: since AC/DC is the official soundtrack for Trento's videos, then you can choose Pearl Jam as official soundtrack for videos dealing with Macerata. I think I have the right to ask for that, being the most active Lube's supporter here and also a huge PJ fan. Think about it!!
Andrea "Zorro San" Zorzi :)
This one was the 2nd Champions League won by Messaggero; this club was able to win CL three times in a row (1992, 1993 and 1994)...what a team!! And here you can see Renan Dal Zotto (n.6) playing for Ravenna against his former club Parma plus Giovane Gavio (n.3) and Dmitry Fomin (n.12 - my favourite Russian player ever) who replaced Kyraly/Timmons and Peter Blangè (n12) who went to Parma from Catania (if i'm not wrong) to replace Jeff Stork who had replaced Dusty Dvorak in Mediolanum Milano...mmm... told it this way it looks like a soap-opera LOL Head coach for Parma was Bebeto formerly head-coach of Brazil NT and later head-coach of Italy NT when Velasco left. @vatreni: you gotta edit the info in the "info box" mate; the commentary isn't Italian; don't know which language it is (Dutch perhaps but the audio is too bad) but it's not Italian for sure ;)
That's the way Lube goes this year. Honestly, i wasn't excited by their win over Trento last week as well as i'm not surprised by their defeat last night. Trento played and deserved the F4...Macerata didn't!! As i already said on many occasions, i have no big expectations with this season...maybe next year, with more chemestry among the players and some new forces to join the team (Lasko???), things will be different.
@Sllaveq: Bad music?? AC/DC, bad music?? Don't swear girl!!!
@raylight: you've misread. My comparison was between Lasko and Sabbi. If Lube has to replace a good and experienced opposite like Omrcen with another player of the same level, Lasko is what they need now and Sabbi isn't, 'cause he's too young and incostant in his performances.
BTW i like Lasko better than Omrcen
@rbk17: i know both Lasko's and Fei's age mate as well as i know (and agree with you) that Michal can play at a high level in Macerata for the following 3 years at least. My previous comment was just referred to the one you wrote where you justified Omrcen's choice to go to Japan saying that he's 32 and his career is about to finish. I don't think he's going there 'cause he's getting old but, as someone else suggested, because he's going to earn more ?

@Kk15: i'd rather Lube took an italian opposite. In which case the whole matter revolves around the club's project. Are they sick and tired of being in the "élite" of volleyball and winning nothing important?? Then Lasko is what they need! Otherwise, if their main aim is to build a strong and competitive team for the future then they could count on Sabbi, young and incostant now but talented and with many potentialities. fav USA NT ever!!! I've always loved this squad madly, maybe 'cause all of them played in Italian teams (except for Ricci Luyties...or, at least, i have no recollection of him playing in Serie A...but, you know, i was soooo young in those days :D and if i'm wrong HCLT can say something more about it for sure!!) For example, Craig Buck played for El Charro Padova...and here he had a brazilian team-mate named....mmm...what was his name??...oh yes, Giovane Gavio ;) and Doug Partie played in Modena for sure, i don't remember exactly where he played next...Reggio Emilia maybe but i'm not sure. I'll say nothing about the others 'cause i already did it months ago. Thanks for finding & posting this video vatreni.
About Macerata's hypothetical new arena: this is the official letter from Lube society regarding the matter

I can read a lot of bitterness in these lines :(
Omrcen is 32-years old so his career is close to finish

And Lasko is 31...

Omrcen will leave Macerata after the season and the rumors send Lasko at his place

And Sabbi is another option...but i can't confirm that 'cause i've only heard something about it.
I agree with EPINEPHRINEable and bitka: i mean... it's a good pipe but nothing extraordinary. I like Osmany and i've seen him doing much better things than this one. BTW, Parodi's pipes are as good as this one.
Michał Kubiak (4th movie) 12 years ago +3
@bitka: "he is too small"... again?? Are there people saying this still?? Didn't we already discuss this matter month ago?? How many times do we have to say that there's no need to be 2.00 cm tall to be an excellent player!! Unless you're a MB, in this case you need as many inches as possible :) BTW Kubiak is my fav Polish player too...those of you who usually waste their time reading all the nonsense i write here or in chat, know why...Aelinn (my lost twin :) ), for example, does!!
Kk15: we had anticipated this scoop weeks ago dear ?

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