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Ivan Zaytsev block 13 years ago 0
OMG, he is not Polish?! WTF?! Why is this action here, then? :D
Well, obviously you think that Serbia is great team even without them, while I have my doubts. Last year they were second after Italy in the group and went only because Italy let them. At the finals they won against Argentina (A team without victory was 6th in the ranking, while Bulgaria was 7th), lost 0:3 against Russia and won 3:2 against Cuba, which was their great victory. Still don't think they are the same team without Milijkovic. They have great MB's but the second opposite although good is not Milijkovic and they don't have great receivers. I like Nikic the most, but the rest...
Serbia is without Milijkovic and Grbic, while Finland plays with their best squad
It is not only about the strongest teams - it is about strong teams from different countries. The strongest teams should have won their place, not waiting for wild carT ?
Well, it was Rezende who set the standard for interrupting the game with various reasons, breaking the opponent's rhythm, also he is the one who escapes the yellow card after humiliating the judges repeatedly. It wasn't like that when Brazil used to play magical volleyball and was far above the other teams
Funny Unintentional joke is funny ?
Very good response to the challenge, a 5+ video :)
Well, he has extremely fast hand, so I see future in him
CSKA Sofia got wild cart because their owner is sponsor of Challenge Cup, at least the women version, and of course, because of the results - not defeated at home, won vs Ziraat, Kazan, Zaksa,
One of the Cuban MBs made really, really fast 3rd meter spike in the first set. I was impressed. It was faster than Juantorena's spikes!
Congratulations. Tomorrow the game will be different, however. Cuba always plays stronger second game
Yes, but for example see Denis. He has pretty big muscles and doesn't look slow
I am uploading a lot of games in my channel, not everyone appears here after adding, so those of you who want to watch the other games, welcome to my channel:
Do you have statistical research to prove your statement? Against Brazil the referees are scared, but fraud has different meaning
Personally I am glad that Bari gets the recognition he deserves in NT. Berruto chose him and Birrareli, because as part of Trentino they are with the right mentality of winners and they can lead the team
Cuba can split victories with Italy, their team is also new one
Wlazly and Maiyo ar the thin jumpers
Mariusz Wlazły (7th movie) 13 years ago -1
Muscles can't slow you down if you are not a steroid machine. Even if you have very big ones

There is one guy - Shane Hamman, who is weight lifter. He weights 160 kg and still jumps 90 cm!
Sergey Tetyukhin block 13 years ago -3
So in this case we have receiver blocking in the middle of the net against MB, who happens to be 217 cm tall unlike the case of Aleksiev who did his regular blocking against the opposite
Sergey Tetyukhin block 13 years ago -2
You mean - like Aleksiev at the tiebreak in 29.05.2011?

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