
Bug report

4 years ago

@Volleybox but if i will start editing, "Dvorkin" just will change the name of palace to "Yarygin", but it's two different places.

When i click on "Yarygin palace" in searching box, i 'm enterening to the "Dvorkin" page and i can't change anything, even when you explain me.

sitenoiseUS 334
4 years ago

@Cehudo are all those matches under "Dvorkin" played at Dvorkin or Yarygin? In other words, should Dvorkin be renamed as Yarygin, and then you create a new Dvorkin page, or we remove "Yarygin" from the Dvorkin page so you can create a new Yarygin page? Does that make sense? we don't want to lose the matches

CehudoRU 32
4 years ago

@sitenoise Yes, "we remove "Yarygin" from the Dvorkin page so you can create a new Yarygin page". I'ts two different buildings with different adress. Now, both teams plays in both palaces. But mostly at Dvorkin. So, all mathces must stay there. I just want to "Yarygin" have own page. And then, i can edit, what matches was at "Yarygin".

sitenoiseUS 334
4 years ago

@Cehudo okay, Yarygin has it's own page now

CehudoRU 32
4 years ago

@sitenoise Thank you very mutch. I'l start to edit the page.