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Berezkho in Jastrzebski hahahah good one. No chance, Zenit wants him.

Bartman in Modena? Interesting. Bernardi wants him in Jastrzebski, but his actual club, AZS Politechnika Warszawska still talk with him about new contract.
If Sanchez has Russian mother, he can probably go legal.
Well, I know italian volleyball language a little bit and I started to learn Italian as well, so it's easy to understand him ;)
casamodena maybe Bartman? Skra won't let Winiarski go and he wouldn't go as well with his weak health.
mamma mia che partita! che match! :) Lucky is the best commentator nowadays!
and soon we will change name of Serie A for Serie BG ?

about Bulgarian in Trento... if MB I guess Todorow or Yosifov, but maybe setter? I don't think Zygadlo will stay...
Serie A - V-DAY 13 years ago 0
I read Crime and Punishment too, but I was much older when I did it ?
no. about Soko
I would laugh if Cuneo will take him on loan ?
if spiker only sub for Wlazly.
no, Falsca has contract for another season, they need his sub.

Nikolov in Piacenza:
raylight kk15 answered for me.
so you mean Parodi won't leave?

Edit: ok, i got it now, so he will leave?
jak to się nie wydarzyło, ivo zmiażdzył system, wleciał na boisko poprawić ustawienie kolegów, bo nikt nie reagował wcześniej jak nawoływał. ale chyba dostał żółtą ;)
Serie A - V-DAY 13 years ago +2
Stokr officialy joined Trentino Alien Club ?
Serie A - V-DAY 13 years ago +1
With that crappy serve of Cuneo there was no other option than great stats of Matey's reception. Sokolov did great ob in semis, don't forget about this ?
Nikolov did what he could, but you see how disposition of Grbic is important for them. If he's not fighting, they loosing hope.

That's shows what I said before, you can;t have everything in Serie A, if you have Italian Cup, you don't have scudetto ?
they can if Federation of Cuba will give them permission, maybe that's why they can't play now in NT, they had to choose. Anyway without source and official info, I don't believe it.
How good receiver Matey is we could see when Dennis, Kooy, Creus and Kooistra turned on their serve [today he received well, because Cuneo forget how they can serve]. Pray for receiver with better reception than him, while Salparov is injuried. I totally agree with NightFox in this case.
Stokr rocks!

Can someone upload later video from ceremony, because I hadn't chance to see it?
NightFox but you have Penchev and you cna use in those matches Skrimov.

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