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III LO Gdynia
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1 year ago


thank you Roninho for leaving Swędrowski's reactions and the silence on the hall which reminds me of the beautiful time when I used to wake up so early and miss the first lessons so that i could watch our team win. aż się łezka w oku zakręciła ;)
PERFECT!! :) blok Bozko najlepszy :D
poor Bartman barely had his head over the net because of the injury. Perfect song, but i am angry cause i also wanted to use it ;)
najlepsze akcje z meczu są i to mi sie podoba ;) jak w Treflu zacznie grać lewe skrzydło to może coś powygrywają, bo na razie z samym Oivanenem i czasem ze środkowymi to nie ma na co liczyć
Gavin Schmitt blocks 12 years ago +2
maybe the net in Korea is lower than in any other league ;)
look at Kadziewicz's face :D
Finally this music ;D
Facundo Conte spike 12 years ago 0
I wonder if de Cecco and Conte will anyday play pipe with the rising ball
haha, I barely recognized Depestele in long hair
Happy New Year guys ;D!
bam.... i nastała cisza
lol, i didn't know that i've won something ?
These projects look very nice! I don't know if I have enough skills but I would like to help in some way ? Happy New Year Everyone !!!
Volleyball shoes 12 years ago 0
it depends on what kind of floor you play. for me nike basketball shoes are lighter and more comfortable than asics, but they are more slippery as well. but of course you may be lucky and play on the kind of ground that you will not slide on ?
mam wrażenie, że im dłużej Resovia trenuje z Kowalem, tym gorzej gra.
ten film jest tak doskonały jak sam Luciano ;) a te jego niektóre rozegrania są za szybkie dla kamerzystów ;P
MKS Korab Puck 12 years ago +1
don't worry, reception is our biggest problem also ;(
love this music ;) unfortunately I can't use it anymore :( and about Łukasz- in my opinion his best performance was against Argentina and the 2 sets against Brazil
Michał Łasko (2nd movie) 12 years ago +1
film b. dobry :) szkoda tylko ze po raz ktorys ta sama piosenka jest uzyta.
Poland in World Cup 2011 12 years ago +2
Too bad you guys don't like the music. I just wanted to make this movie in different way (more patriotic)

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