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The starting six can be Saitta (bleah), Fei, Kovar (he may stay despite the accord with Lube), Horstink, De Togni, khout + 2 foreigns (in this way they will have enough -6- players that played enough in the last season of A1).
But the situation is still uncertain from writer point of view, in fact he don't think this operation is "nice" as the manager said, because lot of people, from dipendents to fans, can't properly understand what will happen for at least a month. (the market closes 13 July or similar)

Sottile (P) and Gitto(MB) confirmed in latina.(in the starting six + Jarosz, Rivera, De Pandis)
Giovi (L) confirmed in San Giustino (in the starting six Conte+Rauwerdink; Starovic; Cozzi+Finazzi)
Brazil - Poland 13 years ago -2
do you mean that in a certain way for everybody is "enough" playing well vs Brazil, so their aim is always "playing well" and not "winning the match"?
about Sisley, seems sure that boninfante and farina will go to Rome; about Piazza->?, seems he has an offert from Ural Ufa; Sisley won't have his main players, btw they have to keep someone because of the rules of Legavolley: at least 6 players have to have played several matches in A1.
ohhh I missed it!! Wonderful! At he did it again!! and also italian commentator compare him to MaradonaXD
and it wasn't neither the first or the last time he did smth similar*_*
Giba attack (3rd movie) 13 years ago +1
oh how I like this top view!!
Peter Platenik (OH) to Dinamo Krasnodar from Ziraat Bankasi Ankara. Brazialian Cleber on the market
Stanislav Dineykin (opp) to Iskra Odontisovo as second of Shops
Pavel Abramov (OH) confirmed in Iskra
Artem Volvich (MB) form Ural Ufa to Lokomotiv Novosibirsk
Holmes (MB, USA NT) from Vivo Minas to JW. Bartman close to JW as you've already written.
Despaigne "frozen" by FIVB until 31 december
Lucky because Birarelli was serving, it would be hard for a jumping-server serving for 7 times without mistakes!:)
yes, I really hope Sisley will be saved, but I think it won't happen=(

I imagine no one knows him, but Cesarini (libero M.Roma) probably to Sir Safety Perugia. very bad new for Roma fans, we consider him our best player after Zaytsev.=(
@Akolita: ok, before I didn't get what you meant=) (the O.o smile means that I didn't understand, not that imo you said smth stupid?)
btw, I agree.
Brazil - Poland 13 years ago +1
@HeelMooi, I think that for a team sometimes (not always, of course) playing well is more important than getting the victory, expecially for a team that changed a lot, and still don't have a well definited identity. Now they can say "we play as equal vs Brazil!". imo is more exicting than winning vs Portorico, for example. "we won vs Brazil" would be better, obviously=), but as first step it's still good.
do you mean two italian receivers as subs?O.o
but according to Tencati will stay, in the market-list he is in Piacenza starting six, may be is contract isn't ended so it's sure he will stay...I don't know
well, they already have for sure Zhekov and Nikolov in the starting six, so they can't afford more than two others foreigns.. I think Tencati is staying, so they probably need only 1 MB for the starting line-up (OH: Zlatanov and Papi; libero Marra)
But if they wanna bet on two foreing MBs they can.
voices about Bartman in JW (as OH, because Lasko is the new opposite)
Lloy Ball (4th movie) 13 years ago +1
very nice movie, and amazing player.
here the first and second sets of Italy-Cuba :
and 3rd, 4th, 5th sets:
World League 2011 intro 13 years ago 0
because they are in the video but not in WL^^ (the same with parodi) edit: even if for simon and parodi the right smile is :(
World League 2011 intro 13 years ago 0
Definitly agree=)
my philosophy is to trust always in your team, even when you know that it will be un impossible mission! btw, in this case I wont' bet they WILL win, but I definitly think they at least CAN, if they play with this enthusiasm=)

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